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Why Crippling Depression is a Mood Disorder You Should Diagnose Today

August 27, 2021

9 min read

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Author : United We Care
Clinically approved by : Dr.Vasudha
Why Crippling Depression is a Mood Disorder You Should Diagnose Today

Although depression can affect a person’s life, one can still continue their daily routine. However, sometimes it can affect a person’s basic functioning.

Overcoming Crippling Depression


Mental health disorders are often ignored because the sufferer cannot communicate what they are going through. Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders, and if not diagnosed early on, it can have debilitating effects on the life and health of the individual. There are different types of depressive disorders, and the most severe form of this illness is clinical depression.

Did you know that one in six people suffer from crippling depression? If you have been wondering,“Why do I have crippling depression?”, you are not alone! And, in fact, most people suffering from depression do not realize that they have a form of depression known as crippling depression. Let’s understand more about this condition and how you can successfully get past it!

Crippling Depression Definition: What is Crippling Depression?


Crippling depression is a severe form of depression, sometimes also called Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). This form of severe depression is called ‘crippling’ depression because it limits an individual’s basic functioning and impacts their normal life and routine. Most people with this form of depression suffer from its symptoms for weeks and months, sometimes even years! Many factors can lead to crippling depression in individuals– loss or death of a loved one, financial loss, etc.

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What Happens in Crippling Depression?


Each individual’s experience with crippling depression is a unique one, but a few symptoms and form a common thread among them. Most people with this degree of depression tend to feel lazy and stay in bed all day long. Crippling depression may be confused with other forms of depression, but it is different in the way that individuals suffering from it do not feel like working or functioning in any way.

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Mental Health Disorder That Might Lead to Crippling Depression


Several types of depressive disorders can lead to crippling depression, such as:

  • Dysthymia or Persistent Depressive Disorder
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Psychotic Disorder
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)


Crippling Depression Symptoms


Though many people find the word ‘crippling’ used with major depressive disorder offensive, this condition is debilitating and can cripple an individual to a great degree. The symptoms of crippling depression are usually more severe than what you would observe in mild and moderate depression cases. Many of these symptoms may also remain even after professional treatment, albeit in minor degrees. Some common symptoms of crippling depression are:

  • Intense feelings of sadness, frustration, anxiety and anger are chronic and persistent.
  • Frequent suicidal thoughts
  • Sleep disturbances – either sleeping too little or too much.
  • Lack of interest in daily activities and socialising with people.
  • Inability or difficulty in working.
  • Unkept and poor personal hygiene
  • Frequently changing temperaments accompanied by mood swings
  • Sudden changes in weight
  • Difficulty in concentrating on a task at hand, easily distracted
  • Recurrent and frequent headaches and backaches
  • Lack of interest in hobbies
  • Lethargy and lack of energy to do the smallest of tasks
  • Increased focus on failures and negatives in life
  • Sluggish actions, thinking and motor functions
  • Overeating or loss of appetite
  • Irritability and easily annoyed


If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important to understand that you are not alone in this fight. Though you may feel like all is lost, there is plenty of support, love and hope out there for you. All you need to do is– reach out!

“I Have Crippling Depression. Why Do I Have This Mood Disorder?”


Mood disorders are mental health illnesses, like several types of depression disorders that disturb your mood. The most common types of mood disorders are bipolar disorder and dep7uression. Both these conditions can lead to severe symptoms, difficulty in functioning normally, and also cripple them emotionally. For this reason, people with crippling depression appear to be disabled even without any physical disability.

Another type of depressive condition that causes mood disorder is Persistent Depressive Disorder which can cause chronic mood swings for days, or weeks together. Because this condition is long-lasting and chronic, it can lead to severely crippling depression. So, if you have been diagnosed with crippling depression, it is normal to have a mood disorder too. A person is diagnosed with Persistent Depressive Disorder if they have had depression for over two years.

Coping with CD: How to Deal with Crippling Depression


If you are suffering from crippling depression and want to know how to deal with crippling depression, you are not alone! We also understand how difficult it is. Dealing with any form of depression is not easy. When you have a job to do, a home to maintain, and kids to take care of, your feelings and emotions just debilitate you no end. While depression is difficult to deal with by itself, added responsibilities make it so much more difficult.

Though coping with crippling depression may seem impossible, accepting the condition and committing to the treatment prescribed by your healthcare professional. Some effective ways that can help you cope with crippling depression are:

  • Setting personal goals
  • Picking up a hobby or passion that you enjoy
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Get active and exercise for atleast 30 minutes every day
  • Find emotional strength and support in your loved ones
  • Reach out to social groups with people in a similar condition as you as socializing


Treatment: How to Cure Crippling Depression


The treatment for crippling depression depends largely upon the type of depression that you are suffering from. Some treatment options for crippling depression are:


The most commonly used medications for crippling depression are anti-depressants. These drugs are routinely used for Major Depressive Disorders and other forms of depression.


Apart from medications, most patients suffering from crippling depression are also advised psychotherapy, which involves working with licensed mental health professionals like a psychiatrist. These professionals allow you to talk about what you are experiencing and help provide solutions.

Psychotherapy techniques Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy and Problem Solving Therapy may be used.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

In severe cases of depression, such as in the case of crippling depression, medications and psychotherapy may not be enough to relieve the patient. In such cases, Electroconvulsive Therapy is given. In this therapy, the doctor stimulates certain portions of your brain while you are under anesthesia. The aim is to prevent the brain from generating depression-related symptoms and emotions.


While most of the above-mentioned treatments can be given at home, in extremely severe cases of crippling depression, the patient may have to be hospitalized to provide in-patient treatment. This also prevents them from attempting suicide, which is very common in these patients.

Online Screening Test for Crippling Depression


Depression is mostly always diagnosed clinically by a registered and licensed professional. However, if you feel one or more symptoms of crippling depression or suspect you have the condition, you can take one of the many online screening tests for crippling depression. Though these tests do not conclusively diagnose you have crippling depression, they can surely help you decide if you need to consult your doctor or mental health professional for further evaluation. At United We Care, we have our depression assessment test that takes you through a series of questions that certified professionals have framed and helps you come to a tentative conclusion about your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and whether they are suggestive crippling depression. No matter what the reason for your crippling depression and anxiety, there is someone to listen and help you overcome this phase of your life at United We Care!

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Author : United We Care

Founded in 2020, United We Care (UWC) is providing mental health and wellness services at a global level, UWC utilizes its team of dedicated and focused professionals with expertise in mental healthcare, to solve 2 essential missing components in the market, sustained user engagement and program efficacy/outcomes.

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