At some point or the other, we all have wondered: what is wrong with me? If you are among the ones searching for answers, read on!
What’s wrong with me?
Have you ever struggled to wake up on some days or go to bed wishing you don’t wake up at all? On some days, everything seems sunny and bright, while on others, everything seems cloudy and dark. Sometimes it’s just overwhelming or stressful feelings but points towards something deeper we haven’t had the time and headspace to address. Let’s read on further to dig deeper into this issue.
I don’t know What is wrong with me?
Mental health issues are too tricky to diagnose in the beginning. It looks like one is escaping reality by procrastinating or indulging in activities like binging on food, shows, etc., but it could be a signal of something lying underneath your thoughts. One may find themselves questioning ‘why am I sleeping 12 hours a day’ or ‘what’s wrong with me?’ The sad part is, even after sleeping for such a long time, one wakes up tired and cranky.
Is something wrong with me?
The messages we receive from our cultural environment around mental well-being make us think that there’s something wrong with us if we’re not happy. Mental illnesses carry the socio-cultural stigma and give us the impression that we’re weak or just unable to ‘do life right’ if we’re struggling.
All those activities, which were once enjoyable, become wearisome. “My friends wonder what’s wrong with me when I don’t want to hang out with them,” said one of the people seeking mental health counselling with a therapist.
In the times of social media, when we are constantly exposed to unreal perfectionism, feelings of inadequacy are on rising. Also, in this era of instant gratification, we have become so impatient that it has led to unceasing resentments and subsequently anxieties and depression.
If there hasn’t been a major catastrophic change in your life in the recent past or any personal mishap, one must dive deep into their feelings and check for the source of its origin.
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If i am still single, Is something wrong with me?
Mental health issues lead to isolation and feeling of inadequacy. People suffering from any mental condition find themselves disconnected from the world, which can impact their relationships in a huge manner. Many people go into a spiral of negative self-talk, doubting themselves.
People with mental health issues often tend to recluse, not going out in the world and missing out on developing human connections. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot develop a sound connection with any human. Right intervention at the right time can save you from future damage and heal you through a series of therapies.
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I sleep 12 hours a day. Is something wrong with me?
Sleeping for extended periods of time might be a sign of some underlying mental issue. Do you wake up quite cranky even after having a long 12-hour sleep? The mind tries to escape what it doesn’t want to face. If you avoid important tasks at hand and go into extended periods of slumber, you might want to check with a mental health professional.
Alternatively, your mental health issue can be a manifestation of an underlying physical health condition. Maybe you have some micronutrient deficiencies? Is there lingering tiredness even if you have been sitting the whole day? Studies have shown deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin D may lead to depression. So before self-diagnosing yourself with any condition, it is better to get yourself tested for a full body profile.
How to find out what is wrong with you
Before judging yourself with things like, why am I single? What is wrong with me? It is better to talk to someone who understands you. That might be any close friend or family member or could be a trained mental health professional. Before jumping to any conclusions regarding your self-worth and self-esteem, it is better you discuss these things with a mental health expert to get a better perspective.
Mental health issues are not easily diagnosed. This is also why we have the largest population suffering from one or more conditions associated with mental health.
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How to diagnose mental health symptoms online
Diagnosing mental health symptoms online is a misnomer. We cannot diagnose or rather self-diagnose ourselves. However, there are so many mental health questionnaires available online where you can have more understanding about your symptoms if you have any, but a definite diagnosis cannot be made from that.
Googling your symptoms could be dangerous as it might give you an impression of something very severe when you could only be suffering from a simple condition. Your mental health condition diagnosis should only be made by a trained mental health professional, which may be a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
Will i get better on my own?
The straight answer to this question is No. Studies have shown that delays in diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions lead to worsening of already existing issues. Mental health issues cannot be diagnosed straight away and involve a lot of meetings with professionals before reaching to conclusion and then proceeding to a definite treatment.
It is recommended that if you have constantly been feeling low, have withdrawn from your usual activities, and into constant negative self-talk, try reaching out to some therapist. Do not resort to any self-medication like using any drug or harmful practices of such kinds. This does more harm than good and will further escalate the already existing condition. All mental issues are unique, and only an expert in this field is able to make a clear judgment and frame a treatment or therapy protocol.
Seeking help for undiagnosed mental health symptoms
Mental health illnesses cripple the sufferer for the rest of their lives. But they are curable, and with the right treatment taken at the right time, one can heal themselves from years of pain and sadness. It is always recommended to seek help from a trained professional.
- Take care of yourself at a physical level by taking an adequate diet rich in vitamins and minerals and adding yoga and meditation to relax.
- Journaling your inner feelings and reflecting on them to delve deeper into your issues.
- Last but not least, seek professional help if you don’t see any improvement in yourself. It is always wise to talk to someone adept at dealing with mental health conditions.
At United We Care, we promise to take care of you by providing you with the best services through our wide range of mental health professionals. You can check our app if it can help you or your loved ones.
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