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The Philosophy Behind the Purpose in Life

July 12, 2022

6 min read

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Author : United We Care
Clinically approved by : Dr.Vasudha
The Philosophy Behind the Purpose in Life


Life often gets confusing, and one may seek several answers. You may be confused about the purpose in life and how to find it. It may differ for everyone, but the values remain the same. It is to create a meaningful life.

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What is the purpose in life? 

Your activities, behaviour, the steps you take toward your goals, the life you create, the relationships you pursue, and ultimately what you expect from life all contribute towards finding your life’s purpose. 
The purpose in life is to find happiness and satisfaction and build a life that constantly challenges you and makes you a better person. The goal is to contribute to society, evolve, and improve things. It is to create an engaging space for the future generation, to see, enjoy and live a healthy and happy life and help people live the same. 

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What if you don’t know your purpose in life?

It’s normal not to know the purpose of your life. It can often be overwhelming to keep going on the discovery, answering questions, and trying to connect with yourself. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that discovering your life’s purpose is a journey, not a destination. It can happen over the years.  
Even if you haven’t found your life’s purpose, it’s never too late to begin the discovery. Start focusing more on yourself, ask essential questions, rediscover what you like, and then work on creating a life with a purpose. Living a life without meaning can often be meaningless, and one may start overthinking it without taking proper action.
Thus, a life without purpose can often be meaningless, and existing can be excruciating. It can be torturing going through life when you don’t have any meaning.
Philosophy Behind the Purpose of Life

Nine ways to help you find the purpose in life 

Here’s how you can go about finding your life purpose:

1. Take action each day for purpose in life

It is essential to take action every day to find your life purpose. Constantly understand the beliefs you stand for, your passion, the goals you want to work for, and the things that matter the most to you. Take action in the right direction to achieve the plans to improve your life.  

2. Create your definition of happiness for purpose in life

Most people have a rigorous definition of success and happiness. It is often related to the amount of money they earn, their people, and their friends. Remember to make your very own definition of happiness. It should include your passion, beliefs, and values. All of these should come together to form your purpose. Make your definition of happiness and success and understand the idea that fuels it. 

3. Find out things you are ready to sacrifice.

Finding your life’s purpose is understanding what you would be willing to offer. These may include work deadlines, worldly things, toxic relationships, etc. Eliminate unimportant things; even if you let them go, they wouldn’t matter because you want something more significant than whatever you have. It will help you define your purpose. 

4. Understand things and relationships you want to preserve

The next step is understanding the things and relationships you want to maintain. Find out which relationships and people matter to you. These people drive your values, beloved, and passions.

5. Who do you want to help and why?

The next thing to find your purpose is the people you want to stay connected to and why you want to help them. Think about what you would like to offer them and how you can improve their lives.

6. Connect with yourself

The first thing you need to do when finding your life purpose is to connect with yourself. By clicking with yourself, you understand what matters the most to you – what you want to do for the rest of your life, what you love about life, what you like, and what sustains you during difficult times. Connecting with yourself and being mindful helps find a purpose in life.

7. Read and understand

Another thing that can help you find your purpose in life. Learning about different issues and from the lives of others can help shape your decisions in life.

8. Find your passion

Discovering your power is another way of finding your purpose. While finding your love can often sound overwhelming, it’s as simple as finding out the things that interest you about your life, the things you genuinely enjoy, the things that move you, and the things you want to do for the rest of your life.

9. Listen to your inner child.

Another way to discover your life’s purpose is to listen to your inner child. You can answer important questions such as activities that shaped your childhood and the things you loved as a kid that is not part of the adult world. These can help you connect better with yourself and understand it.
Finding your purpose can often be a long and tiring journey. Having some help along the way can simplify the process. Mental health practitioners and counsellors can help you answer important questions which can take you closer to realising your purpose. Contact United We Care today. 

What you should do about your purpose in life

You must discover the purpose of your life and live a meaningful life. You should find it eventually, keep it as the main activity for everything you do in life and make it motivate you. These include actions, the relationships you form, the community you engage with, and things you treasure. When you find your life’s purpose, pursue it to better connect with yourself. 

To wrap things up 

Finding the purpose of your life can be a life-altering journey. It can help you stay content and committed and motivate you to pursue your goals passionately. Find it today.

[1] Apa.org. [Online]. Available: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1976-2. [Accessed: 16-Aug-2022].
[2] M. F. Scheier et al., “The Life Engagement Test,” J. Behav. Med., vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 291–298, 2006.
[3] G. T. Reker, E. J. Peacock, and P. T. Wong, “Meaning and purpose in life and well-being,” J. Gerontol., vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 44–49, 1987.

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Author : United We Care

Founded in 2020, United We Care (UWC) is providing mental health and wellness services at a global level, UWC utilizes its team of dedicated and focused professionals with expertise in mental healthcare, to solve 2 essential missing components in the market, sustained user engagement and program efficacy/outcomes.

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