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Menstrual hygiene maintain your good health

December 3, 2022

6 min read

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Author : United We Care
Clinically approved by : Dr.Vasudha
Menstrual hygiene maintain your good health



Practising good menstrual hygiene is one of the critical things you can do for your health. This means keeping your private parts clean every time and using the right products to avoid infection. Unfortunately, many women do not have access to the resources they need to maintain good menstrual hygiene. It can lead to serious health problems, including infections, reproductive issues and even death.


This blog post will explore the importance of menstrual hygiene and how you can maintain good health during your period. We will also discuss women’s challenges in obtaining the resources they need to stay healthy.


What is menstrual hygiene?


Menstrual hygiene is a vital topic that is often overlooked. Many women and girls worldwide do not have access to proper menstrual hygiene products and education, which can lead to serious health consequences. Menstrual hygiene refers to the hygienic practices that are followed during menstruation. This includes cleansing the vagina with water or mild soap and changing pads or tampons regularly. It is essential to maintain good menstrual hygiene to keep infections and other health problems at bay.

Poor menstrual hygiene can lead to many health problems. They include bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections, and yeast infections. In rare cases, it can also lead to toxic shock syndrome. So, it is crucial to practice good menstrual hygiene to protect your health. There are many alternatives to traditional menstrual hygiene products like pads and tampons. Some women use menstrual cups, which are small silicone cups that collect blood during menstruation. Others use period-proof underwear, i.e., leak-proof panties that absorb your period flow.


How do you maintain menstrual hygiene?


There are a few things you can do to maintain menstrual hygiene:

1) Wash your vulva with plain water and mild, unscented soap daily. Avoid using scented products as they irritate the sensitive skin around your vulva.

2) Wipe from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement. This helps prevent bacteria from the anus from getting into the vagina and causing an infection.

3) Change your tampon or pad regularly, at least every four to eight hours.

4) If you use pads, choose ones made of breathable materials such as cotton, and it ensures that air can circulate and keep the area dry.

5) Avoid using douches, sprays or other products that claim to “clean” the vagina. These products can disrupt the natural balance of good bacteria in the vagina and lead to infections.


Tips for maintaining menstrual hygiene during the monthly period


It is vital to maintain good menstrual hygiene during your menstrual cycle. You can do a few simple things to stay clean and healthy.


  • Change your pad or tampon regularly. It would be best if you did this every four to eight hours, depending on how heavy your flow is. It is also a good idea to wear a pantyliner or menstrual cup to help stay clean.

  • Do proper sterilisation of menstrual cups.


  • You should wash your vulva and anus daily with warm water and mild soap, which will help remove any accumulated discharge throughout the day.


  • Bathe or shower daily during your period. It will help wash away any discharge that built up on your body. Be sure to use a mild soap and avoid scented products, as these irritate the vagina.


  • You should avoid douching during your period. Douching can increase your risk of infections by disturbing the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. Rinse with warm water if you need to cleanse the vagina after sex or after your period.


  • Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids during your menstrual cycle. It will help replenish any nutrients lost during menstruation and keep your energy levels up.

Why do you need to maintain menstrual hygiene?


  1. There is a close relationship between menstrual hygiene and general well-being. Poor menstrual hygiene can lead to several health problems, including reproductive tract infections, pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis.

  2. Poor menstrual hygiene can also cause foul body odour, which can be embarrassing and affect a person’s self-confidence.

  3. Good menstrual hygiene can help prevent these health problems and make a person feel more comfortable and confident.

  4. Good menstrual hygiene involves regularly cleaning the vagina and surrounding areas with mild soap and water, changing tampons or pads regularly, and wearing breathable underwear.

    Talk to your doctor or gynaecologist if you have trouble maintaining good menstrual hygiene. They can help you find the best products for your body and provide tips on keeping your private areas clean and healthy.


Repercussions of unhealthy menstrual practices


There are many possible repercussions of unhealthy menstrual practices. For example, suppose a woman does not change her tampon or pad frequently enough. In that case, she may develop toxic shock syndrome, a rare complication caused by some bacterial infections.


Additionally, if a woman does not clean her private areas properly before and after inserting a tampon, she is more likely to develop an infection. Unhealthy menstrual practices can also increase the risk of endometriosis or other reproductive health problems. Finally, if a woman does not manage her flow correctly, she may experience more cramping and pain during her period.


Benefits of menstrual hygiene



There are many benefits to maintaining good menstrual hygiene. Some of the most important benefits include the following:

1. Reducing the risk of infection: Good menstrual hygiene can help reduce the risk of developing infections such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.

2. Reducing the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease: Pelvic inflammatory disease is a severe infection of the reproductive organs that can lead to infertility. Good menstrual hygiene can help reduce the risk of developing this condition.

3. Reducing the risk of endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. This can cause pain and bleeding during menstruation, and good menstrual hygiene can help reduce the risk of developing this condition.

4. Helping to make periods more comfortable: Wearing clean, absorbent pads or tampons and changing them frequently can help keep your private areas clean and dry, making the monthly period more comfortable.




We hope this article on menstrual hygiene has helped you understand the importance of keeping yourself clean and healthy during your period. Menstruation is a natural process every woman goes through, but it doesn’t mean you have to suffer. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that you maintain good reproductive health and avoid any problems during your next period.


Book a free consultation with United We Care today to understand more about menstrual hygiene and how it can uplift your well-being.

[1] D. Benthin, “Menstrual hygiene,” Zentralbl. Gynakol., vol. 73, no. 19, pp. 1512–1513, 1951.
[2] A. Dasgupta and M. Sarkar, “Menstrual Hygiene: How Hygienic is the Adolescent Girl?,” Indian J. Community Med., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 77–80, 2008.

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Author : United We Care

Founded in 2020, United We Care (UWC) is providing mental health and wellness services at a global level, UWC utilizes its team of dedicated and focused professionals with expertise in mental healthcare, to solve 2 essential missing components in the market, sustained user engagement and program efficacy/outcomes.

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