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How To Change Your Locus Of Control

December 4, 2022

6 min read

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Author : United We Care
Clinically approved by : Dr.Vasudha
How To Change Your Locus Of Control


Can you change your locus of control? In other words, can you change how you see the world and how much power you think you have over your life? It’s a loaded question but an important one nonetheless.

What is the locus of control?

It is the degree to which people believe they can control life events. People with an internal locus of control believe they can control their destiny, while those with an external locus believe outside forces control their life.

Many factors contribute to someone’s locus of control, including their genetics, experiences and beliefs. People with a lot of experience dealing with difficult situations are more likely to have an internal locus of control as they know they can overcome challenges. People who have been dealt an intricate hand in life may be more likely to have an external locus of control as they may feel that they are not in control of their life.

Types of locus of control

There are three types of locus of control – internal, external, and collective.

  1. An internal locus of control is when an individual believes they manage their destiny. You can often see this locus of control in self-motivated people with solid self-efficacy.

  2. An external locus of control is when an individual believes outside forces manage their destiny. You can notice this among people who are passive and have a sense of learned helplessness.

  3. A collective locus of control is when an individual believes a group or community manages their destiny. You can find such a locus of control in highly social people who believe in teamwork.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an internal and external locus of control

There are advantages and disadvantages to an internal and external locus of control. The degree to which a person feels they have to manage throughout events in their life is known as locus of control. Individuals with an internal locus of power think they can handle what happens in their lives. A person with an external locus of control feels that events outside their management affect their lives.

Persons with an internal locus of control believe that their choices determine the outcomes of events in their lives. Those who have an external locus of control attribute occurrences in their lives to outside forces. Think about students who don’t pass an exam as an example. Someone with an internal locus of control can believe they didn’t put enough effort into their studies. With an external locus of control, students can feel that their instructor has failed them.

Which one is better? There is no right or wrong answer; it depends on the individual and what works best for them. Some people may find that having a mix of both is ideal.


How does the locus of control affect your life?

It has a significant impact on your life. People with an internal locus of control are more likely to take charge of their lives and make things happen, and they’re also more likely to be successful in achieving their goals. On the other hand, people with an external locus of control are more likely to be passive and let others make decisions for them.

Developing an internal locus of control is essential to achieve success in life. It would help if you believed you could make things happen and that you were in your destiny. With this belief, you’ll be motivated to take action and do what it takes to achieve your goals. You’ll also be less likely to give up when faced with difficulties because you’ll know that you can overcome them.



If you have an internal locus of control, you will:

  1. Set your own goals and work hard to achieve them.

  2. Take responsibility for your happiness and well-being.

  3. Believe you can influence the outcome of events through your actions and decisions.

    On the other hand, if you have an external locus of control, you will:

    1. Think that luck or chance determines what happens to you.

    2. Blame others for your misfortune or failures.

    3. Feel like you have no control over your life and destiny.


How can someone change their locus of control?

If someone wants to change it, they can do a few things.

  • First, they can become more aware of when they feel like they’re not in control. Once they know these moments, they can question why they think that way. Is it because of something that happened outside of their control? Or is it because of something within their power that they’re not doing?

  • If it’s the latter, then the person can start to take steps to change the situation. For example, if they feel like they’re not in control at work due to not getting promoted, they may take on more responsibilities and do tasks above and beyond their regular duties.

  • If they feel like they’re not in control of their personal life because of repeated arguments with their partner, they may start trying to communicate better and understand their partner’s point of view.

  • Meditation and yoga sometimes help us to maintain inner peace and build self-confidence.

In short, changing you’re, it starts with becoming aware of when you’re feeling out of control. From there, you can change the situation to feel more in control.


It is the degree to which people believe they can manage life events. Changing your locus of control is possible, but it will take some effort. You need to become aware of your current thought patterns and make a conscious effort to shift them. While it is not easy, you can do it if you’re willing to take action! Remember, changing your locus of control is taking back managing your life. Book a free consultation with United We Care today, and see where it takes you!

[1] B. D. Wallston and K. A. Wallston, “Locus of control and health: a review of the literature,” Health Educ. Monogr., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 107–117, Spring 1978.
[2] K. Cherry, “Locus of control and your life,” Verywell Mind, 03-Jan-2014. [Online]. Available: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-locus-of-control-2795434. [Accessed: 25-Jan-2023].

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Author : United We Care

Founded in 2020, United We Care (UWC) is providing mental health and wellness services at a global level, UWC utilizes its team of dedicated and focused professionals with expertise in mental healthcare, to solve 2 essential missing components in the market, sustained user engagement and program efficacy/outcomes.

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