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Category: Stress

Is life pointless?

Do You Think Life is Pointless? Here’s What You Need to Know

Life can become monotonous and uninteresting for some individuals despite trying hard to hold things together. Life is meaningless if you experience getting stuck at a particular juncture because you are not where you want to be. People may feel like their life is pointless if they have depression. Depression also causes a sudden loss of interest in things that made the person happy in the past. One may lose hope of getting another job after losing the present one. Depression makes the person lose focus and clarity of things. Available: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= . [ 4] Wikipedia contributors, “Meaning of life,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 16-Jul-2022. [ Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Meaning_of_life&oldid=1098616564 . [

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Can’t Stop Thinking About Him? Here’s How to Stop Obsessing Over Someone

You might have met him only once or talked to him a few times in class, but you feel you can’t stop thinking about him. Or maybe, you just can’t stop visualizing yourself with him in your life. If the relationship was toxic, you are filled with hate and grudges. You may find him physically attractive and can’t stop thinking about doing things without him. All women have periods, and it is that time where you generally feel more aroused. Even if he is thinking about you, there is no need to obsess over this fact. And, you break up with him after a series of terrible fights. It doesn’t matter if things didn’t work out with him; you always have the hope of meeting the right person in the future.

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Compulsive Liar Test: How to tell if you’re a Pathological Liar

Dealing with a compulsive liar can get stressful. But when there are addressing underlying issues with therapy, results are noticed over time. A polygraph test[4] is used by some therapists not to catch the patient in a lie but to find out if they are capable of beating the polygraph[5]. Confronting the truth can be difficult for them, and lying is their way out. They make up lies as they go along, choosing to tell people what they think they want to hear. They will review the following issues: Analyze the pattern of lies to understand the reason behind the issue better Check the trigger points Advise the patient to take it one day at a time to allow them to de-stress Let patient exercise restrain by setting goals and sticking to them Make the patient understand that they don’t need to share everything, even if it’s the truth Explore the aim of the lie to verify trigger points Online treatments are ideal for treating compulsive and pathological liars. 4] W. Bernet, “False statements and the differential diagnosis of abuse allegations ,” J. Am.

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Are You Oversleeping? Here’s Why It Might Be Important

Sleeping is considered to be one of the most important parts of our life. A good night’s rest does wonders for your body, mind, your performance at work and school, and other areas of interest. Difficulty in waking up in the morning despite an alarm. Some are good, and some can be detrimental to physical and mental health. Here are a few: Oversleeping has the following effects on the body: It heightens the chances of developing diabetes. It may induce irritability and crankiness. If oversleeping cannot be attributed to medical ailments, the following measures may be recommended by health professionals or online counsellors: This keeps a record of your sleeping habits and would include details such as, when you fall asleep, when you wake up and how often you wake up during the night. In case your hypersomnia is a result of deteriorating mental health, it is crucial to seek therapy.

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Anger Management Assessment

Best Online Anger Management Assessment Before Going for Anger Therapy

Are you aware that your impulsive anger could be hampering your decision-making capabilities? The first steps towards learning how to deal with anger include finding out why you get angry and recognising what triggers your anger. Online anger management assessments are also convenient and do not require you to spend a lot of time. The UWC anger management assessment is free, and its online anger management course s are highly affordable. UWC has provided quality online anger management courses for a long time and has helped thousands of clients achieve their goals by giving them the necessary tools to overcome anger management problems.

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7 tips for kids with adhd

7 Parenting Tips for Kids with ADHD

One of the most frequent mental diseases affecting children is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) . Unfortunately, many adults also have ADHD. Impulsivity is hasty acts that occur at the moment without thought. Social effect- ADHD makes it difficult for children to have a fulfilling social life. It is an opportunity for parents to help their children learn skills valuable for years to come to manage impulsiveness and inattention. The best activities for kids with ADHD are those that help them gain confidence and success, burn calories, and reinforce the methods they’ve learned in behavioural therapy. Available: https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/adhd-hyperactive-impulsive-type . [

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Top 10 Benefits of Meditation for the Body and Mind

The very mention of the word meditation takes us to a different level of thought and perception. Therefore, it might take a little longer to train your mind and be comfortable with it. According to research, it has been found that the gray matter of your brain (the region responsible for problem-solving and emotion management) happens to increase when you practice meditation regularly. When you meditate regularly, you happen to become more focused. Lack of sleep or insomnia is a universal problem. All of these factors allow you to sleep well. However, when you meditate, your ability to manage and fight pain is more likely to increase, making you feel less pain. You should not forget that no matter how cutting-edge any particular technology may be, it cannot help you leverage an inch of it if you do it half-heartedly. Meditation helps you in developing mental discipline, awareness, and self-control.

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