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Category: LGBTQIA+

LGBT Individuals

Emotional Challenges for L.G.B.T. Community – The Contribution of Victorian Morality in It

Queerness is not a mental health condition. Feeling of sexual affinity towards same-sex is not abnormal behavior[2]. Transgender – A transgender individual is not comfortable with their gender. Women went through severe restrictions as they had no right to vote, appeal in court, and own property. Even after a century, the dogmas of the Victorian Era persist across many countries in the world. We attribute the higher incidence of mental health challenges among L.G.B.T.Q. Individuals to social stigma, discrimination, and prejudices. The toxic legacy of Victorian morality contributes to society’s reluctance to love and accept L.G.B.T. people as they are. Visit United We Care to find eminent mental health experts. Available: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4771012/. [Accessed: Jul. 25, 2022] [3] BetterHelp Editorial Team, “An Overview Of Victorian Morality | BetterHelp,” Betterhelp.com , Sep. 30, 2018. [

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Love And Connection In The LGBTQ community : 6 Secret Ways Love Strengthen The LGBTQ+ Community

Love is such an emotion that makes you happy and sad and sometimes helps to  transform one’s life. Although our society focuses on heteronormativity (involving a man and a woman) to understand gender and intimacy, some couples do not fit into traditional models of marriage and family. In many countries, a committed relationship provides legal protections, like healthcare benefits and inheritance rights. In addition to promoting love and acceptance, the LGBTQ+ communities have used passion for community building and solidarity. However, due to systemic discrimination and marginalization, the district may face unique challenges in finding and maintaining relationships and connections. https://www.humansofbombay.in/blog/5-lgbtq-love-stories-that-prove-love-is-love/

[5] “What LGBTQ+ Relationships Can Teach Us About Love,” What LGBTQ+ Relationships Can Teach Us About Love – OpenLearn – Open University .

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Asexuality:Everything you need to know

An asexual is someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Here are some tips for staying healthy and happy whether you’re in an asexual or mixed-orientation relationship: Communicate, communicate, communicate Communication is essential in any relationship, but it’s especially crucial when one or both partners are asexual. Be honest with your partner if you’re unsure how you feel or if your feelings change over time. It’s possible to be asexual and still enjoy pornography and masturbation, but many asexual people don’t feel the need to engage in these activities. Being an asexual can impact your relationships in different ways. Available at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327272 (Accessed: February 22, 2023).

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Coming Out (LGBTQI+): How to Safely Come Out as LGBTQI+ in 2021

Coming out as LGBTQI+ or coming out of the closet refers to self-disclosing or sharing your gender or sexual identity/orientation with others. The reason for coming out as LGBTQI+ should never be societal or peer pressure; it should be self-expression, self-satisfaction, and the need to declare your true identity. When you cannot live under your real identity and disclose it to anyone, you are constantly under pressure to hide it. Therefore, LGBTQI+ people are often affected by and fear coming out. Therefore, you should have a complete backup plan in case they do not want to accept you as who you are.

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Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: Explaining reality in a Simple Way

Gender identity and sexual orientation have been topics of discussion since time immemorial. People get to know about gender identity and sexual orientation from how they feel from a very early age. If you are attracted to the same gender, your sexual orientation is homosexual. Romantic orientation is your preference for the person you want to get romantically involved it. · Polyromantics feel romantically inclined towards more than one person. · Your gender identity and sexual orientation are matters that only you have the right to choose. If you feel alone and helpless in the quest for your gender identity and sexual orientation, you can find online therapy and mental health counselling services at test.unitedwecare.com .

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Sexual Orientation

How Do I Know My Sexual Orientation?

Some people try on a social label to check whether it fits them, then switch to a different one if it does not. Some people are homophobic [1] and terrified of orientation prejudices, having difficulty coming out to others or even themselves. We have prepared this article to help you regarding the same and discuss some points to understand this topic better. People get to know about gender identity and sexual orientation from how they feel from a very early age. As they grow, they develop an understanding of their sexual orientation. The person discovers that they are attracted to people of the same or opposite gender. Individuals’ sexual orientation is exclusive to them and is not affected by surrounding factors. It had a detrimental effect on countless children during their childhood.

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