Abnormalities characterize schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) in a person’s interpersonal and social communications. People with this disorder either shun close relationships or display inadequate socializing skills. Most of the time, they are unaware of how connections develop or how their actions affect others. They could also misunderstand the intentions and actions of others, which can lead to mistrust.
An individual with schizotypal personality disorder tends to have perspectives out of the ordinary and may struggle with social cues. Moreover, this disorder causes excessive anxiety and increases the propensity to avoid social interactions.
What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder?
A schizotypal personality disorder is a psychological health condition. People with this disorder face extreme discomfort in close relationships and social situations. Schizotypal patients have mild delusions, and they exhibit symptoms of psychosis. They have abnormal signs that resemble a schizophrenic condition. Their mental state typically interferes with their relationships.
Individuals with schizotypal personality disorder frequently exhibit irrational behaviour, abnormal speech patterns, and supernatural beliefs. They generally aren’t aware that their actions are out of the ordinary or harmful. Schizotypal personality disorder can also lead to schizophrenia in certain people.
Although personality disorders are long-lasting illnesses, medicine and counselling can help reduce symptoms, foster healthier relationships, and increase one’s sense of effectiveness in daily life.
Symptoms of Schizotypal Personality Disorder
These are the symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder:
It affects relationships and personal life
People with schizotypal personality disorder are not confident in social situations and do not have many friends. They have difficulty connecting or relating to people. These individuals will have anxiety in social situations, especially unfamiliar ones. People with this disorder cannot understand usual social cues; as a result, they may interact with others inappropriately.
Schizotypal personality disorder patients can exhibit superstitious thinking patterns or obsessive-compulsive disorder with paranormal beliefs. They may believe they possess magical abilities or control over others. These individuals believe that their actions can help them achieve whatever they want.
Strange beliefs
People with a schizotypal personality disorder might appear restrained and emotionless when speaking to others. They could have peculiar characteristics, such as an untidy way of dressing. They engage with people when necessary but prefer to remain to themselves. Individuals with a schizotypal personality disorder may experience transitory psychotic episodes during periods of high stress, which can last from minutes to hours.
Causes of Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Although it’s unclear precisely what causes schizotypal personality disorder, probably, genetics, environmental factors, learned habits, and changes in the way the brain operates are at play. The condition often begins in early adulthood.
Causes of the schizotypal disorder are still unknown, however, psychologists believe genes/heredity to be the major reason. Another cause can be constant psychotic depression that leads to hallucinations or delusions. Childhood factors, family, and environmental factors are also major causes that can develop into psychosis and thought derailment – leading to the development of conditions like schizotypal personality disorder to schizophrenia.
Psychologists believe that it begins in early adulthood. The way a person’s personality develops during childhood and adolescence influences their temperament, responses to life experiences, relationships, and coping mechanisms.
Patterns of Schizotypal Personality Disorder
A schizotypal personality disorder includes unconventional thinking, perceptions, and communication patterns. Here are some examples of these patterns:
- Ideas of reference: People with schizotypal personality disorder believe commonplace events hold unique meaning for them.
- Magical thinking: People with the disorder could believe they have a magical power to influence others. They may think, for instance, that they can avoid danger by performing magical rituals. They may also believe they possess paranormal abilities that allow them to predict events or read minds.
- Mistrust: People with schizotypal personality disorder are distrustful and mistakenly believe others are trying to harm them.
Diagnosis of Schizotypal Personality Disorder
The doctor will start by performing an extensive physical examination. It helps locate any physical ailments that might be the source of the symptoms. The doctor will also recommend a mental health specialist to conduct a psychiatric assessment. Psychologists use questionnaires regarding symptoms and thoughts. The mental health specialist will also interview the person; they will ask about the person’s childhood, relationships, and career history. The answers aid the mental health specialist in making a diagnosis. If the person then chooses to get therapy, the expert could also come up with an appropriate treatment strategy.
Treatment of Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Like other personality disorders, a schizotypal personality disorder is incurable, and the signs and symptoms are likely to last a lifetime. However, this doesn’t mean that a person with schizotypal personality disorder can’t lessen the severity of their symptoms or enhance their functioning. Occasionally, people may seek care for the despair they feel rather than help manage their personality disorder’s symptoms.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy helps treat abnormal thought processes and to impart social skills. It could also aid in addressing unruly behaviour. Family therapy could also improve communication among family members, assist in helping everyone involved understand the symptoms, and support the patient.
Although there is no particular treatment for schizotypal personality disorder, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists use therapy and medication. People with paranoia, psychosis and psychotic depression have a higher chance of developing a schizotypal personality disorder, thus, psychologists use certain drugs and psychotherapy to correct confusion in thinking patterns.
There is no cure for schizotypal personality disorder, but professionals can treat patients with therapy and medications. With proper care, many individuals with the disease can maintain steady jobs and lead regular lives.
Consult your doctor if you think you or a loved one could have a schizotypal personality disorder. If you’re looking for support from the comfort of your home, reach out to United We Care today! We are an online mental health platform that connects you to expert psychologists who can help you on the journey to mental well-being. While talking to friends and family is essential, sometimes all you need is an outside perspective. It is where United We Care comes to the rescue. Whenever you need someone to talk to, we are here to listen.